Back when I was CEO of a technology company going through significant rapid growth pains, I had a seasoned Chairman who provided some very wise advice that is relevant to any new leader today.
Business is simple! There are only two people you need to focus on. Your sales guy and your finance guy. Tell your sales guy to go make a mess. Tell your finance guy to go clean it up!“
I laughed at first when he said it, but then started reflecting on a deeper meaning and realized he hit the nail on the head. This is the main reason you hire talented and passionate people on your teams. Use them! Lead them! Leverage them to their fullest and the organization will benefit.
My most important lessons from this is to leverage them for what they bring to the table. I’ve made the mistake where I’ve involved developers in sales strategy discussion, operations folks in marketing conversations, etc. While it is important to engage any team in the broader aspects of a growing company, it is equally important to temper their involvement to prevent distraction. How many times have we missed development deadlines or got behind efficiency metrics because we didn’t hold teams accountable for the right priorities. Again, leverage people for what you hired them to do. Motivate them by sharing the big picture. Passion will follow.
Thanks goes out to Tommaso for being a sage.